Friday, May 24, 2019



“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” As the saying goes, ambition should have the top priority in the life of every man, so that he will lead a meaningful and worthy life. For me, I want to serve my country. To become a great teacher is my only ambition.
Teacher is a person who builds the nation. I will teach the poor children without any charges. Education is the key to success in life, and I want to be a teacher can make a lasting impact to my students’ lives regardless their background and religions.
As I aware, a positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can has a great effect on the life of a child. So, I would prefer to be a teacher at the elementary level. Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. I will gear myself with different teaching styles and approaches to make all my lessons interesting. So, the students will adore me as their beloved teacher. The child’s relationship with the teacher determines the grade and academics of the student.
Teachers are known to be the second parents. Parents provide us moral education while teachers are said to provide students rest of the knowledge necessary for living and knowing the world. I will teach them the not only excel academically but also instill them with moral values. I would do my best to make them becoming good and responsible citizens.
If my ambition is fulfilled, I shall do my best as a teacher. I am working hard so that I many get the best grades. It would help me in getting admission in a good University.
I would always be honest towards my duties and hard working. I want be known as a great teacher who can make learning enjoyable.



Last month, our class teacher, Miss Jasmine, got the permission from the school principal and took us for a picnic because it was about the end of the school term. It was a lovely experience. We had come out with few destinations but at last we decided to visit the botanical garden near our school.
We had placed order for food and drinks from the canteen management. We were asked to carry some food. Some of us carried fruits, some carried cakes, and some carried snacks. We also took along bats, balls, and other games.
In the morning, we boarded our school bus and left for the beautiful botanical garden. Once we reached there, Miss Jasmine helped us to select a comfortable place to be our picnic site. After eating fruits, we played some games. Miss Jasmine also played with us. After that, she took us for a walk round the garden, introducing some beautiful species of flowers and plants which were new to us.
In the afternoon, we were all hungry and tired. We sat together and had our lunch. Then Miss Jasmine read out lovely stories. We all sat together listening to her. She also performed her talent, which was playing the guitar. We sang some songs while she played her guitar. After two hours, she took us back to the bus and we all returned to the school.
It was such an unforgettable event in my life for this was the first time that I went for a picnic with my school friends and we had great fun.



『身无分文  无中生有   生财有道    财能通神』
身无分文 人对钱财应用的态度   一个人应该怎么样去看待钱财
人若是执着于财富钱财    越会跟他纠缠不清
钱有自己流动的趋势      一朝聚在手里 它日也会散去     有如涓涓河流 汇入江河
而江河湖泊 最终也会流入大海   守之若狂爱之若痴
似是钱主 实为钱奴       智者应该拿得放得下 方是正途
身无分文 心有天下。
所谓无中生有 讲的是钱的功能
鸿蒙之处 无农无桑 人狩猎为生 群居为家
直到农桑并立 人才食有谷 身有衣 等到货物繁多 流通不畅 钱才因势而生
无中生有 造化而出 皆为惠民利世
钱之为物 实为普利万民 润泽天下 非为一人一国而生
所谓生财有道 讲的是聚财的守则
正所谓君子爱财 取之有道
道为何方 诉之有三 诚 信 义
能以利世利人之 心 散财于四方
百川归去还复来 终成汪洋大海
生财有道 当在聚散之间
运用之妙 存乎一心
所谓财能通神 讲的是财的神妙
财各有主 非予勿取 巧取豪夺 自遭横祸
天患不均 人患不平 遍身罗绮者 不是养蚕人
朱门酒肉臭 路有冻死骨   贪得无厌 为富不仁 必遭人祸
钱通万物 唯患不均 为富人则贵 家贫勤则康
天之道 当损有余以补不足 以利通万物 惠施万民

# 取自电视剧 财神有道

KARANGAN - Langkah-langkah untuk Meningkatan Semangat Kejiranan

Semangat kejiranan sudah semakin luntur dalam masyarakat sejak akhi-akhir ini. Pada pendapat anda, /Apakah langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan semangat ini.

Semangat kejiranan merujuk semangat masyarakat setempat saling membantu terutama jiran bersebelahan dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Semangat ini merupakan sebahagian daripada amalan dan budaya yang merupakan kebanggaan rakyat Malaysia. Namun, belakangan ini, semangat kejiranan semakin luntur dalam masyarakat kita. Oleh itu, langkah-langkah yang proaktif dan wajar harus diambil supaya semangat kejiranan dalam kalangan penduduk dapat ditingkatkan.
Langkah awal ialah masyarakat menghidupkan semua konsep rukun tetangga di kawasan perumahan masing-masing. Rukun tetangga berfungsi untuk mengawal keselamatan kawasan perumahan terutama pada waktu malam. Penglibatan semua pihak tanpa mengira kaum mampu menanam semangat kejiranan ketika melakukan rondaan bersama-sama. Oleh itu, hubungan rapat akan terjalin melalui aktiviti-aktiviti rukun tetangga.
Selain itu, pelbagai majlis yang bercorak setempat harus diadakan dengan bagi mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim sesama jiran tetangga. Majlis perkahwinan, rumah terbuka dan hari keluarga mampu memperkukuh semangat yang murni ini. Semua jiran akan beramah mesra dan mengenali satu sama lain melalui majlis seperti ini. Tegasnya, semangat kejiranan berupaya tumbuh dengan subur melalui majlis sebegini.
Kerajaan turut mampu memainkan peranan dengan mengadakan kempen kesedaran semangat kejiranan ini. Penggunaan media massa seluas mungkin dengan iklan yang menarik sudah pasti berupaya menarik perhatian masyarakat terhadap isu ini. Masyarakat yang sedar akan kepentingan memupuk semangat kejiranan pasti akan berusaha ke arah mengekalkan serta meningkatkan semangat itu di kawasan mereka. Oleh itu, kerajaan sememangnya berperanan penting dalam memulakan usaha memupuk semangat mulia ini.
Pada masa yang sama, sikap dan persepsi masyarakat perlu berubah. Masyarakat hendaklah memandang semangat kejiranan ini sebagai satu perkara penting dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Semangat ini perlulah diutamakan dalam sebarang tindakan yang ingin dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat agar tidak menggugat keharmonian hidup masyarakat. Jelaslah, sikap seperti yang terungkap dalam peribahasa Melayu ‘berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing’ harus dipraktikkan bagi memastikan semangat kejiranan akan terus mekar dalam masyarakat kita.
Kesimpulannya, semangat kejiranan memang boleh dicapai melalui beberapa pendekatan yang dijelaskan tadi. Oleh itu, semua pihak perlulah berganding bahu untuk memastikan semangat ini terus diamalkan oleh masyarakat di negara ini. Jiran sepakat, membawa berkat.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


KARANGAN - Pengalaman Menyaksikan Kemalangan Jalan Raya

Satu dentuman yang kuat mengejutkan aku. Aku segera bangun menuju ke arah tingkap untuk meninjau apa yang berlaku. Aku nampak sebuah lori melanggar sebatang pokok besar. Beberapa orang penduduk kampong mula mengerumuni tempat kejadian.
Aku mengambil keputusan untuk ke tempat kejadian selepas membuat panggilan kecemasan. Aku ingin membantu mangsa kemalangan. Aku tiba di situ dan aku nampak pemandu lori masih tersepit di dalam lori. Seorang lelaki menghubungi pihak polis dan bomba.
Penduduk kampung tidak dapat mengeluarkan pemandu lori yang tersepit itu. Tidak lama kemudian, pihak polis dan bomba pun tiba. Pihak polis membantu melancarkan perjalanan yang sesak. Pihak bomba pula, berusaha mengeluarkan mangsa dari lori.
Pemandu lori itu dikejar ke hospital yang berhampiran. Jalan itu ditutup buat sementara untuk kerja-kerja pembersihan. Aku sudah biasa melihat kemalangan di situ. Selekoh yang tajam itu telah menyebabkan ramai pemandu yang hilang kawalan, lalu terbabas. 
Tidak lama kemudian, pihak polis membuka jalan itu semula. Lalu-lintas kembali normal. Kemalangan yang berlaku benar-benar menginsafkan aku agar kepentingan keselamatan sewaktu menggunakan jalan raya. Namun, pemandu masih tidak sedar akan bahaya memandu laju.
Aku sedih melihat pemandu lori itu. Namun, dia bernasib baik kerana terselamat. Semoga dia akan lebih berhati-hati memandu kelak. Malang tidak berbau. Entah bilalah pihak berkuasa akan mengambil tindakan bagi mengelakkan kes sebegitu daripada berulang lagi? Aku juga berdoa agar tiada lagi kemalangan yang berlaku di situ.




Pada minggu yang lalu, saya lalu di rumah James di PUJ 5. Lalu, saya masuk ke rumahnya. Ibu James menghidangkan makanan yang sedap tetapi saya langsung tidak lalu makan makanan itu. Saya hanya menonton siaran langsung Piala Thomas di rumahnya pada malam itu.

上个星期,我 经过詹姆士在 PUJ 5的家。然后,我进了他的家。詹姆士的母亲招待我美味的食物,可是我完全吃不下。我只是在他的家中观看现场直播

Last week, I passed by James’ house at PUJ5. Then, I entered his house. His mum served me delicious food but I totally lost my appetite. I only watched Thomas Cup live broadcast at his house on that night.

Thursday, May 16, 2019



1.    Some children are playing ___________ the beach.
2.    Some children are hiding ___________ the wall.
3.    Some children are sliding ___________ the slide.
4.    Some children are reading ___________ the library.
5.    Some children are eating ___________ a tree.
6.    Some children are chasing ___________ each other.
7.    Some children are sitting ___________ the table.
8.    The meeting starts ___________ nine o’clock.
9.    They visited Tokyo ___________ the school holidays.
10.  Many people travel ___________ train.
11.  Everybody is looking ___________ her.
12.  They are talking ___________ the football game.
13.  The Snow White danced ___________ the dwarves.
14.  They are always quarrelling ___________ each other.
15.  James was late and the bus left ___________ him.
16.  James has egg and ham ___________ breakfast.
17.  The traffic is heavy ___________ the morning.
18.  There are very few people in the streets ___________ midnight.
19.  Shops closed ___________ Sundays.
20.  James was born ___________ 28 June 2000.
21.  They were married ___________ 2018.
22.  Christians celebrate Christmas ___________ 25 December.
23.  There are 200 people ___________ board the plane.
24.  The plane is flying ___________ the clouds.
25.  There is a new bookshop ___________ the road.
26.   James is leaning ___________ the wall.
27.  James is walking ___________ the seashore.
28.   There is a goat ___________ the sheep.
29.   The moon goes ___________ the earth.
30.  James lives ___________ 23, Jalan Equine.
31.   Jasmine lives in an apartment ___________ ours.
32.  Who is hiding ___________ the bed?
33.  Jack is standing ___________ Jill.
34.   When it’s foggy, you can’t see ___________ the fence.
35.   Grandma is sitting ___________ the fire.
36.   The snowball is rolling ___________ the hill.
37.   Jasmine took a magazine ___________ the rack.
38.   The giant panda comes ___________ China.
39.   It’s half a meter ___________ one footprint to the next.
40.  James is ___________ bed.
41.  The Great Wall is ___________ China.
42.  There is a bank ___________________ the restaurant.
43.   Please stay ___________ the house when it rains.
44.  The rat ran ___________ its hole.
45.  The rat is looking ___________ its hole.
46.  James is getting ___________ the pool.
47.  Don’t you go too ___________ the edge of the cliff.
48.   Jasmine is sitting ___________ her bed.
49.  James spends hours ___________ the phone.
50.   There is a mole ___________ his face.
51.  The picture is ___________ page 99.
52.   The books are pile one ___________ the other.
53.  Don’t let the baby fall ___________ the chair.


Let's Learn GRAMMAR and PHRASES from Section C UPSR MODEL 3
Text Credit to Latihan Menulis PSR SJK (C) EPH

1. an ( irresponsible startss with vowel i )
2. take ( verb after "to" - base verb ) eg. He has to run fast in order to catch the bus.
3. borrowed ( whole passage was in the past, verb : - simple past tense )
4. find ( verb after "couldn't" - base verb ) eg. He couldn't read the text without his glasses.
5. was ( whole passage was in the past, verb : - simple past tense )
6. win ( verb after "to" - base verb ) eg. To get 8As for UPSR is not as hard if you put in effort.


Let's Learn GRAMMAR and PHRASES from Section C UPSR MODEL 2
Text Credit to Latihan Menulis PSR SJK (C) EPH

Answer Key and Explanation
1. punishing ( verb after "of" must be +ing )
2. making ( verb after "of" must be +ing )
3. ended ( verb after "has" must be a past participle , eg. She had eaten the food on the dining table.
4. asked ( simple past tense, same tense with the previous verb in the sentence - "called" )


Let's Learn GRAMMAR and PHRASES from Section C UPSR MODELS
Text Credit to Latihan Menulis PSR SJK (C) EPH

Answer keynote & Explanation
1. reading  ( Enjoy + verb + ing ) , eg. The little boy enjoy walking along the beach.
2. on ( refers to the surface of the newspaper )
3. taking ( Without + verb + ing ) , eg. We must learn how to study effectively without wasting time. 
4. through ( remain sleeping )
5. find ( couldn't + verb (base) )
6. were ( past tense and glasses are plural form )

Saturday, May 11, 2019



~ buah durian 榴莲果肉;
= kandungan = inti padi 内容;
~ padu 容量; ~ rumah 家人/家庭成员
= gugur, luruh, runtuh, tumbang  掉下来 / 倒塌
x bangkit, bangun 起来 ~ pada hari Ahad 落在星期日; 
kerajaan ~ ke tangan British 王国落入英国手中
= terang 清楚 / 解释 ; Suaranya kurang ~ 他的声音不这么清楚;
= terang 解释 ~kan maksud kata ini. 解释这个字的意思
= selesai 解决: Hutangnya belum lagi ~ 他的债务还未还清.
= teratur, terurus 有条理 / 整齐;  berpakaian ~ 衣着整齐
= siapkan dengan  baik 工整的完成; hasil kerja yang ~ 工整工作成果
teguh / erat : pelukan yang ~ 紧紧的拥抱;  ~ kini 更新
baju yang ~ 紧的衣裳; peraturan yang ~ 严紧的条规 ;
= teliti 仔细 = rapi 整齐/紧密: dikawal dengan ~紧密地被控制
badan yang ~强壮的身体; tali yang ~ 强的绳; ~ kepada adat 坚守习俗;
bekerja ~ 苦干 ; ~ minum 喜欢喝; ~ belajar 喜欢学习; ilmu sains科学知识强
berbahasa ~ 说得流畅; lori bergerak ~ 罗里行驶顺畅;
program berjalan dengan ~ 计划顺利地进行
ambil barang itu ~ membelinya 拿起那东西就直接买了;
tidak mengambil berat 完全 /一点都不关心
secara ~ 直接地;  siaran ~ 直播
= menjadi cair 溶解; petrol tidak ~ dalam air 汽油不溶于水
= (masa) lanjut, jauh ; ~ malam 深夜
lembut, tidak mudah patah 软但不容易断 ; daging itu ~;
likat = pekat; tanah ~ 粘土 ;
Pagi tadi ~ pula dia hendak bangun kerana sejuknya udara di sekeliling  
甜 ; kelakuan yang sopan 有礼的行为, ~ dipandang 看起来甜美;
kencing ~
糖尿病; jari ~ 无名指
Buah itu sudah ~ 那个水果熟了;
tidak mentah 不生: = empuk煮软了: nasi itu belum ~ 那饭还未熟 ;
= mahir 熟练; faham benar 熟悉 ~ dengan perangai anaknya 熟悉他孩子的脾气
 = matang 成熟: ~ fikiran 思想成熟


  KESAN-KESAN PENCEMARAN SUNGAI Sungai merupakan sumber utama untuk semua kehidupan di dunia ini. Sungai turut diibaratkan sebagai nadi hidu...